Skype provides a share button for the website owners

Skype share button

When browsing the internet, you will find many sites that provide share buttons to Facebook, Twitter, Digg, Stumbleupon, or Pinterest. But see carefully, there is no share button to Skype, not because it is not provided but because previously it didn't exist.

The good news is the developer team of Skype has just made it happen, now this instant messaging and free call service provides a new option for the website owners to add Skype share button to their websites.

Not much different with the sharing procedures in general, when the button is clicked it will bring up a new window that asks the users to log into their Skype accounts. After that, the users can choose the intended friends in the contacts list, users can also add a short message and then send it.

Recipients will receive a message that's containing a link to a page that's distributed and also a short message from the senders.

Skype explains that this share button will allow users to share certain content to contacts. The process is easy because users don't need to copy the link and paste it into the message.

In this launch, Skype invites to try and share it to the world. As for the Indian region, Skype entrusts it to the

The Skype share button is claimed to work very well in desktop and mobile platforms. There are several button styles that can be chosen by the site owners, this option can be adapted to the design and color of their sites.

If you are interested in adding a Skype share button on your site, you can visit the official page of Skype to get the code.