Turn the Live Photos into GIFs with Motion Stills app from Google

Motion Stills app from Google

One of flagship features in iPhone 6S and 6S Plus in addition to 3D Touch is the Live Photos. This feature basically allows the camera to capture short video whenever users take photos so the photos will look 'alive'.

But unfortunately the Live Photos format can only be enjoyed from any Apple's devices. When users want to share it with friends or family who use Android devices, the result is just regular photos.

Luckily Google has a solution in the form of Motion Stills application for the iPhone. This application actually will change the Live Photos into a more universal GIF format. Not only that, Motion Stills also implement stabilization feature so that the conversion results will look much smoother.

Motion Stills app from Google

Furthermore, Motion Stills can also turn the Live Photos into looping GIFs, aka played repeatedly. In order to get a perfect result, the Motion Stills must first separate the background from other parts, afterward, the background will be 'frozen' and the rest keep moving as usual, making the overall result looks smooth even though played repeatedly.

Algorithm that's brought by Motion Stills will recognize the right beginning and end, and then remove the parts that are not needed, such as when the iPhone was accidentally still recording when it's being put back into the pocket.

Users could also gather a number of Live Photos into one video, complete with audio. All of this can function without an internet connection at all, and then after that, users can share the result into social media and instant messaging applications.

If you are using iPhone 6S or 6S Plus and has a large collection of Live Photos, you can download the Motion Stills from the App Store for free, and turn the collection into a slick Gif.