Altwork Station is a combination of workstation and adaptive chair

Altwork Station

Sitting in front of a computer for hours is actually not a healthful activity. The wrong sitting posture and position may give negative impact to our backbone. However, most of time we can't avoid this situation because of the job demands that have to be completed every day.

But the good news is a startup from California named Altwork creates a new innovation. According to Altwork, since the invention of the typewriter, people tried to adapt to its presentation. And now it's the time to make a machine that's able to adapt to our needs or desires. After passing five years development period, the developer finally introduces the Altwork Station, which is a combination of a workstation and an adaptive chair.

Altwork Station

Altwork Station almost looks like the dentist's chair, but instead of bringing lights, table and sink equipment; this chair is equipped with a keyboard, mouse and monitor. The seat can be adjusted to a variety of configurations - sitting up straight, outstretched, and lying - each position will make sure that you feel comfortable, healthy, and of course productive.

The Altwork Station is controlled via a remote unit in the table. The workstation is focused on four main poses: sitting, standing, collaboration, and focus. When moving the backrest (back/foot), the other parts such as monitor, keyboard and mouse will follow naturally. The Altwork Station is keeping the peripherals remain in place by utilizing magnet, and you can add a laptop next to the display.

Altwork Station

The customization process won't make you tired or sweat because it is powered by the internal motor. Altwork Station also has a memory component that can be programmed, allows you to specify and save the most favorite position. The monitor is connected via a standard VESA mount, supports almost all types, just make sure the weight is not more than 14-kilograms.

Of course, there is a list of criteria for Altwork Station compatibility with the users. It is suitable for use by people that have a height between 156cm to 198cm, can support the weights up to 113-kg, though it's still able to work outside those parameters. Altwork Station itself is targeted for the software developers, financial staff, CAD users, and other productive purposes.

The pre-order can be made now via The retail price is estimated at US $ 5,900. However, if you order it now, it's offered at US $ 3,900 for the regular version, and US $ 4,900 for the signature variant. The Distribution will be done in the mid of 2016. 

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