HandyCase casing will give transparent effect on your devices

HandyCase casing

Device’s accessory is a highly profitable business line following the huge adoption of mobile devices by all customer circles. It's purchased usually to protect the device, to facilitate the user, and also gives a character for the device. And the work of an inventor named Tong Luo will make your device even more interesting.

Together with HandScape team, Tong Luo creates a device's accessory that will make the device users exciting. They introduce HandyCase, it comes in the form of casing that will be placed on the outside of mobile devices. Remarkably, HandyCase will add 'transparent' effect to your smartphone or tablet. But it is not only a gimmick; this distinctive ability is made to deliver new navigation method.

Practical and intuitive are the reasons why the touchscreen is chosen as standard navigation system on a smartphone or tablet. The problem is, the system has a weakness, it is not so accurate for typing, and generally the user's hand and fingers will cover the screen. HandyCase allows user to see his/her fingers on the back of the device, and then the device will translate it as an alternative control input.

HandyCase casing

HandyCase is able to read the finger positions very accurately, gives you interaction medium on both sides of the device. It helps you to enjoy complex games, and it can recognize different touches. You no longer need to put the tablet on the table in order to be able to use ten fingers optimally. HandyCase can also be used to play the multiplayer mode with family members. And to encourage the creation of new apps, the developer is also making its API.

The setup is very simple, you just need to insert the device into HandyCase, and then activate and connect the HandyCase via Bluetooth. The wireless connection gives it a remote control feature to your handset. As a complement, this casing also supports Lighting connector.

In the making process, HandScape works together with Whipsaw team to ensure the construction of the casing is capable of protecting your mobile device, lightweight, comfortable to use, and also stylish. 

HandyCase is created for Android and iOS devices, but for this moment it is only available for the iPhone 6, iPhone 6S, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6s Plus, iPad Mini 1, 2 & 3, iPad Air 2, and iPad Pro. If you are interested, you can get the HandyCase through Kickstarter with prices starting from US $ 99.

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