Graava offers practicality in editing a video

Graava offers practicality in editing a video

What are you looking for from an action camera? A compact body? Resilient? Excellent specifications? Or all of them? Regardless of all the reasons, you still have to spend a lot of time to edit the video results in order to make an interesting clip.

A new action camera named Graava wants to solve this issue. Graava doesn't try to compete with the GoPro cam or other action cameras in the terms of design and specifications, but it wants to offer a practicality.

Graava has a very simple shape, resembling to a pager device with a 130 degrees lens on one side. Inside this device there is a sensor that can record 1080p video at 30 fps or 720p at 60 fps. There is no slow-motion mode here, but there is still time lapse mode that will gather a number of 8-megapixel images into a 4K video.

Graava offers practicality in editing a video

So far Graava sounds so standard. However, as explained above, this action camera wants to highlight practicality rather than specifications. The companion application that's available for Android and iOS will edit your recordings automatically based on certain moments that deserve to be saved.

Simply put, you've just come home from the recording session that took place as long as the Graava battery can last, i.e. 3 hours. From the total duration of the video: 180 minutes, you can ask the Graava application to make a short clip, for example a clip that last for about 3-5 minutes, which contains all the moments that are worth to be watched and will not make you bored.

Graava offers practicality in editing a video

Graava and its applications will choose the moments based on information captured by the sensors, ranging from the accelerometer, gyroscope, a pair of microphones and GPS. It can even take your heart rate information from the heart-rate monitor that's connected to it. As a bonus, the Graava application will also adjust the beat of your favorite tunes with the various actions on the video.

Graava is actually not the first product that comes up with this smart idea. Last May, TomTom introduced an action camera with the similar automatic editing feature. However, the Graava seems simpler and is offered at a more affordable price.

Graava is now accepting pre-orders via, worth of $ 249. Its retail price will rise to $ 399. Unfortunately the camera is not yet ready to be delivered into the hands of consumers until at least on the early next year.