Anki Cozmo is a tiny robot which has emotions, charismatic and can interact with humans

Anki Cozmo

Do you still remember with Anki, the robotics company that's founded by three geniuses from Carnegie Mellon University? In the last three years, they have stolen the attention through Anki Drive and Anki Overdrive, which is a car racing game that's armed with artificial intelligence.

Anki is now ready to realize its vision to enliven a robot that has emotions, charisma and can interact with humans. Named Anki Cozmo, this robot is the result of research and development of a team that has a very diverse background, ranging from robotics experts, animators, game developers to Batmobile designers.

Anki Cozmo is a combination of robotics technology and artificial intelligence. It looks like a robot on the WALL-E movie of Pixar, and its size is only as big as a fist; but in a second it can process more data than the entire Mars Rover robots of NASA.

Anki Cozmo's uniqueness lies in its charisma. Armed with computer vision technology and emotion engine, Cozmo can recognize and remember your face and name. The more you interact with Cozmo, the closer the robot with you. The expression on its face will be different when it's seeing a new person and the people who have been familiar with it.

Cozmo can give a complex expression based on its emotion at the time. If you've ignored it for too long, the robot will be a bit sullen. Cozmo will invite you to play around with a number of activities that can be accessed via smartphone app.

To start playing with Cozmo, users don't need to assemble various components. Cozmo can be activated via the app on iOS or Android devices. Funnily, when it's being recharged, you will hear the sound of snoring.

Anki is now accepting Cozmo pre-orders for $ 160. According to the plan, Cozmo will be sold widely starting in October with a retail price of $ 180.

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