LINE launches Egg, a free selfie app with 3D effects and animation filters in real time

LINE launches Egg

The presence of selfie trend triggers the creation of many camera applications that offer interesting customization. Snapchat is known by its ability to tether a variety of filters on the user's face in real-time, and now LINE is launching similar application called Egg.

Egg is trying to attract the attention of users by presenting three-dimensional mask effects of more than 50 categories, ranging from funny masks like "Cute Animals" until the frightening masks such as "Horror". In addition, there is 3D mask effect of the LINE's latest character, named Choco.

But what makes the Egg more unique is how users can play around with their own selfie photos in real-time. There are series of animated filters that are triggered by movements of the users. For example, blinking will bring the heart icon, or when the users open their mouths, they will be breathing flames or spewing rainbows.

All of this may sound silly, but this silliness that's precisely sought by the majority of social media users. The animation filters can detect the position of eyes, mouth, and movements accurately.

In addition to 3D masks and animation filters, Egg also offers a feature where the users can use the photos stored in their smartphones as additional masks, or even exchange faces with friends on the screen in real-time. All photos or videos taken can be uploaded to social media with ease.

Going forward, LINE plans to send update in the form of new filters collection from various characters such as Batman and Wonder Woman. Egg can be downloaded for free by the users of iOS and Android.