Google Maps will invite you to explore the Batman's headquarter

Google Maps explore the Batman's headquarter

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is one of the most popular films in 2016. Until last weekend, the film has been screened in 66 countries and has earned about $ 424.1 million, according to CNN.

In welcoming its festivities, Google seems to have a unique way to promote the film. Through Google Maps, Google will invite you to stop by and join with a virtual tour to the luxury headquarter of the alter-ego, Bruce Wayne.

Google Maps put the "Bruce Wayne's Residence" in an area in the Michigan, United States. However, the interesting point is you can explore the place in 360-degree Street View.

Google Maps explore the Batman's headquarter

From there you can continue the journey to finally arrive at the dark corridor that will lead you to the secret chamber of Batman, the Batcave. In this place you can see the famous vehicle of Batman named Batmobile, complete with other sophisticated gadgets of Batman. If still not satisfied, you can even take a peek at Batman's laboratory.

The virtual tour to the Batman’s headquarter can be found through Google Maps, both on desktop and mobile devices. Just type the keyword "Bruce Wayne's Residence" in the search field, and then explore it!