Now the navigation feature in Google Maps can be accessed offline

Google Maps offline

Indeed so far Google Maps already has an offline mode, but unfortunately not much we can do in offline position other than seeing street names in certain region. In fact, in some countries, while on the way to go somewhere, the cellular network signal is often not stable because we have to move from one place to another place.

That's why we need a more complete feature of Google Maps offline mode. Well, if you are using an Android device, starting today the latest version of Google Maps app will offer offline navigation function, aka guided-navigation even though we don't have an internet connection.

It works the same as before, where you can choose an area to be downloaded so that you can still access it when there is no internet connection. Except that this time the ‘Offline Areas’ will also package the local information, such as operating hours, contact info, visitors ratings, and the function of turn-by-turn navigation.

The only thing that can't be obtained when Google Maps is in the offline mode is the information about traffic conditions because this feature works in real-time, so definitely it needs internet connection.

Offline mode in Google Maps will be activated automatically when your internet connection is gone or halting. When the connection is re-stabilized, Google Maps will be back online, and display the traffic conditions in real-time.

For users of Google Maps in iOS, it looks like you still have to be patient because the offline navigation feature is still not ready to be applied there.