Li-Fi transmits data via light bulb, with transfer speeds up to 1 Gbps

Li-Fi transmits data via light bulb

Several years ago, we may be unfamiliar with the term of Wi-Fi. But in 2015, it seems that Wi-Fi has been considered as one of the basic needs for most of people. Then the question is will we always depend on Wi-Fi forever?

Maybe not forever, because there is still a technology that's claimed more sophisticated than Wi-Fi. Named Li-Fi, this technology was found by a genius named Harald Haas in 2011. Li-Fi transmits data via light from a bulb.

So imagine, later bulb in our living room can also function as a router. Not an ordinary router, but the router with an ability to transfer data at up to 1 Gbps in daily practice - even on a test it exceeded 224 Gbps.

1 Gbps is very fast if compared to the average speed of Wi-Fi, about 100 times faster. At this point, an HD movie can be downloaded in a matter of seconds, and it all comes from a bulb.

Li-Fi is no longer just a concept and prototype. A number of companies are ready to test their products in the field, not only in the research and development laboratory. One of them is a startup from India, Velmenni, which is testing its Li-Fi bulb in offices and industrial areas in the Estonian capital, Tallinn.

The only drawback of Li-Fi technology is probably the light can't penetrate the walls. However this is not a big deal because in another room we certainly also need lighting source, so we just need to put the other Li-Fi bulb, and then we can enjoy high speed internet access.

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