Google teaches its driverless car to be careful when it's around children

Google driverless car

Recently Google has just taught its car how to behave when it's around the children. As we've all experienced, we will be more aware to step on the brake pedal when we are passing the area where there are many children playing on the sidewalk. Well, here Google also wants its driverless car to develop a similar instinct.

Interestingly, Google's driverless car doesn't need to move in order to learn this behavior. The car only needs to stay in place while its sensors and the software are working to identify all children who are in the vicinity, even the children who are hiding behind other cars.

As a result, Google's driverless car will be more careful when it recognizes there is a child who is nearby. The car knows that the movement of a child is very difficult to guess, where sometimes the child may suddenly ran from the sidewalk into the street.

By studying these kinds of patterns, Google's driverless car would have driving instinct just like human. Indeed this is the capability that's needed by self-driving car in order to be accepted by the public, not only a list of advanced specs on paper such as cameras, radars and ultrasonic sensors.

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