Facebook is testing a new feature for users who are breaking up with their partners

Perhaps almost everyone has ever experienced brokenhearted and breakup, and it is not a pleasant experience. In such of sad moment, someone would do anything to be able to forget the ex-partner and move on, one of which is by changing the relationship status on Facebook, from in a relationship to be single.

Unfortunately, despite the relationship status on Facebook has been changed to be 'single', but this will not hinder her from the new post that's created by the ex in news feed. As a result, no matter how tough she is, it will be difficult for her to move on, while on the other hand she doesn't want to unfriend her ex because she still wants to maintain good relation as a friend.

But Facebook now has a new solution that will facilitate the brokenhearted users. The new tool which is still in the test period will help users to no longer see the updated posts of the formers but can still remain friends with them. Thus, if they want to get back in relationship, they don't have to ask 'friendship' again.

So when a user changes the status of the relationship into a single, this tool will offer several options that provide control so that the ex's name and update won't appear in the news feed. The name of ex won't also appear in the recommended names when the user is writing certain posts or marking photos, and also limit her photos, videos and posts to be seen by the ex.

Unfortunately, this new feature is still tested only in the United States. In the official announcement, Facebook promises to quickly make changes and expand the range based on feedback from users.