With Chronos, a traditional watch can be transformed to be a smartwatch


Have you ever faced a situation where you are interested with the features that are offered by a smartwatch, but on the other hand you still love your traditional watch. The question is, are you willing to leave your favorite watch and replace it with a smartwatch?

If you are one of them, you might be interested in the device called Chronos. Chronos is not a smartwatch, but a small accessory which looks like a button battery. The function of Chronos is to transform the traditional watch to be a smartwatch. 

To use it, you simply attach the Chronos on the back side of the watch. It is attached using micro suction mechanism that's consisting of super-tiny holes. There's no adhesive involved in this mechanism, so you don't need to worry if your watch will be damaged.

Once placed, you can use your watch to forward notifications, control music, and also for simple fitness tracker. Don't compare it with the sophistication of a real smartwatch, but at least Chronos can deliver features that are not available on a traditional watch.

Chronos will forward the notifications in the form of vibration and LED lights. Vibration pattern and color of the light can be set via the companion application on the smartphone. Chronos will vibrate every time a notification comes into your smartphone. You just need to select the application and also the desired contacts, and then set the vibration pattern and different light on each contact.


If you feel that the LED lights seem less elegant in a traditional watch, you can turn off the feature via the companion application. This kind of customization flexibility is very important because the appearance of a watch is highly dependent on the taste of each user.

Chronos is also able to control a number of functions in smartphone, such as the music player application or becomes a camera shutter. To do so, you must set the gesture in the companion application - for example one tap or double taps on the watch face.

Chronos is wrapped in a case that's made of 3 mm stainless steel. Its diameter is about 33 mm, so it is believed to be compatible with 80 percent of traditional watches that are sold today. The waterproof construction is also designed to be able to keep up with the resilience of your watch. 

Chronos is connected to a smartphone via Bluetooth 4.0. The battery is claimed can last up to 36 hours. When it runs out, you just need to take it off and place it on a standard wireless charger of smartphone.

Currently Chronos has opened the pre-order through wearchronos.com. One unit of Chronos is priced at $ 99, and delivery will be done around the spring of 2016.

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