Until this point, the Google's self-driving car has
undergone various tests on the road, either in its hometown in California as
well as in other areas such as in Texas. So far the result is good; this self-driving
car is relatively safe, it can prevent the pedestrians and cyclists from harm.
However, its journey to enter the commercialization stage is still long.
In its initial plan, Google explains that the self-driving
car will be launched in 2020. Although from the technical point Google is quite
successful, but there are government regulations that must be faced before this
self-driving car can become a mainstream.
Towards 2020, Google still has 5 years to execute its plans
carefully. One of the strategies is by recruiting the leading figure in the
automotive industry, i.e. John Krafcik, a former Ford executive and CEO of
Hyundai America. At the end of September, he will lead Google's self-driving
car project.
John Krafcik has a lot of experiences in the field of car
assembly. However, Google spokesman confirms that it can't be used as an
indication that Google plans to assemble the self-driving car by itself. So
far, Google still entrusts a number of component suppliers such as Bosch and
Continental, and asks other vendors to assemble the finished car.
One of the benefits that can be obtained by Google from this
recruitment is the chance to broad the connections. As a leading figure in the
automotive industry, John Krafcik of course has a lot of connections and experiences
in the car's development and assembly. He is the right person to lead the
project if Google really wants to market the self-driving car on a large scale.
But for now, the self-driving car project is still under the
banner of Google X. Google spokesman says that this project could be a
candidate of a new company under the Alphabet Inc. in the future, but not in
near term.