When someone posts a sad status on Facebook wall, some
people on Facebook will provide a response by clicking ‘like’ button to show
sympathy. But, from a different angle, does that mean you like when someone
feels sad?
Of course not, but this impression is hard to be avoided
because Facebook only provides 'like' button without the opposite button, aka
'dislike', so users don't have a better way to show sympathy other than
clicking 'like' button or look for a more 'appropriate' way to show expression
through words or meme.
The absence of dislike button has been questioned since long
time in various occasions. But this waiting seems will end soon after the
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said that they are testing a dislike button which
has been anticipated by many Facebook users.
"People have asked about the 'dislike' button for many
years, and probably hundreds of people have asked about this, and today is a
special day because today is the day that I actually get to say we are working
on it, and are very close to shipping a test of it," Mark Zuckerberg said.
There are a number of factors that make Facebook delays and
seems slow in responding this request. According to him, he and the team have
to consider many things beforehand. One of them is the fear of abuse by some
Zuckerberg explains that the idea behind creating the
dislike button is not to create negative energy to the community, nor to show
hatred toward someone's status, but rather as a tool for users to express
empathy to friends or relatives, for example when a friend has just had an
accident, broken heart, the cat died or other bad news. Unfortunately there's
no further information about the time when the dislike button will be released
to the public.