Since it was first launched on the iPad, Flipboard has
changed our habits to consume contents on the internet. No longer visit the
site one by one, we just need to open the Flipboard application, and then the
magazine-style display will present all the articles from various sources.
Over the time, Flipboard introduces a new feature called
Magazine. This feature actually allows users to curating contents from a
variety of sources with free, and users can share their 'magazine' with other
Flipboard users via the Subscribe button.
The Subscribe button is easily accessible. It's so easy so
that sometimes the users don't realize that they have subscribed to a lot of
magazines. The worst case scenario is the users become reluctant to open the
Flipboard application because the contents presented will feel cluttered.
If that's the problem you are facing now, you can try the
service from the Flip2Mail ( Seeing from its name we can guess
that Flip2Mail will send Flipboard contents to your email inbox. You only need
to visit the site, enter the name or link of Flipboard Magazine you like, and
then put your email address.
Furthermore, Flip2Mail will send the magazine in the form of
a daily email newsletter. You can preview the contents, or visit the original
link if you are interested in reading further.
Another function of Flip2Mail is for those who have never
used the Flipboard and are not interested in using it, but still want to enjoy the
curated contents, for example you like traveling, all you need to do is put the
Lonely Planet in Flip2Mail. This service is free of charge and if you want to
stop using it, there's always 'Unsubscribe' option at the end of the