Camera Restricta will ban you to take cliché photos in public places

Camera Restricta

During a visit to a well-known location, everybody tends to take photos at the same place, including the professional photographers. Indeed there is nothing wrong with it, except that all the images captured will be cliché and not unique.

A designer from Germany, Philipp Schmitt, has an interesting idea to prevent someone from taking cliché photographs, he develops a prototype camera called Camera Restricta that will only take original photos; original here means that there are not many people taking pictures at that venue.

Camera Restricta

Basically the Camera Restricta is a smartphone that's packed in 3D printing case. Utilizing the smartphone's GPS and Internet connection, the Camera Restricta will analyze an area of 35 x 35 meters around the user, and then look at the database of Flickr and Panoramio related to photographs which have geotagging data from that location. If there are too many photos taken from that venue - about 35 photos - then Camera Restricta will refuse to take pictures and the shutter button won't work. 

On the rear screen, you will see information about how many pictures that have been taken in an area. The camera also has a speaker that would sound like a radiation detection device; the more photos that had been taken in that place, the louder the voice. So, without the need to look at the screen, you already know that the place has been photographed by many people.

Camera Restricta

Besides helping the user to take more original photos, Camera Restricta is also useful in certain areas where there is a ban on photography in any form. In such places, Camera Restricta will display an info which says that you are prohibited from photographing there, and the shutter button won't work again.

Currently Camera Restricta is still in the further development stage; the idea sounds very interesting especially for those who always feel challenged to be more creative.