TuneIn Premium presents live sports broadcasts, audiobook and music without ads

TuneIn Premium

The trend of digital content subscription is increasingly rising. With the presence of various music streaming services such as Guvera, Rdio and Apple Music, consumers are now willing to pay subscription fee every month in order to indulge their ears.

TuneIn doesn't want to miss the momentum. The internet radio application that's quite popular among users of Android and iOS devices announces its first subscription service. TuneIn Premium offers $ 8 per month for subscription fee, and is ready to present a wide range of exclusive content that won't be obtained by the users of free tier TuneIn.

Because it uses radio concept, the content that's offered by TuneIn Premium is slightly different from the music streaming service in general. TuneIn Premium more focuses on sporting events which are broadcasted live, such as the baseball league in the United States, English football league and also Germany football league - all will be adjusted to the customer demographics.

In addition to sports broadcasts, TuneIn Premium also serves more than 40,000 audiobooks that can be streamed as much as possible. Another interesting thing is the learning content of 16 different languages. Lastly, of course TuneIn Premium also provides music content without ads. There are about 600 music channels that can be accessed by customers without disturbed by commercial breaks.

Unfortunately for this time the TuneIn Premium is available only in three countries: US, Canada and United Kingdom. But TuneIn promises to deliver its subscription service in other countries in the future.