LINE introduces LINE HERE, an application to recognize the positions of family members or friends

LINE introduces LINE HERE

LINE Corporation which is the developer of an instant chat application, LINE, creates a new innovation called LINE HERE. The LINE HERE is an application that's used to share your location with friends or family. The goal is to allow the family to recognize the current position of each family member.

LINE HERE can be used easily; the users can start to create a group that contains members of the family consisting of father, mother, brother, sister and grandmother. Then each can send the location to group members in the form of a link via LINE, SMS or Facebook, which when clicked, the group members can track the position in real-time.

Not only give the coordinates of the last position, LINE HERE also provides update when the sender moves to other location. Each link receiver can monitor the last location also in real-time.

If users don't want to share their position continuously, they can set their own time on how long they want to share locations. When the countdown reach zero, then the location tracker will automatically be switched off.

LINE HERE usage not only covers the family scope, but the community or coworkers can also take advantage of this service. For example, the users can find out the positions of other coworkers when they are designing certain event, or to meet friends for lunch together. Android and iOS users can already use the LINE HERE for free.