Google establishes Sidewalk Labs to overcome problems in urban areas

Sidewalk Labs

Google, as we all know, has a mission to gather information from all over the world, and provide universal access. So far, along with the development of digital technology, Google arguably has successfully run the mission, although not yet fully completed.

But Google seems to have a larger vision than just revolutionizing the way we find and process information. They want to enhance the world physically, not only digitally.

In order to realize this vision, Google establishes a new company named Sidewalk Labs. The leader of Sidewalk Lab is Dan Doctoroff, the former CEO of Bloomberg LP and former deputy mayor for economic development and rebuilding for the New York City. He's chosen because of his experience and reputation in promoting development in the urban areas.

Sidewalk Labs mission is to make cities in the world, especially urban areas, can be better than now. If Google is responsible for providing traffic information, then Sidewalk Labs aims to fix what goes wrong on the scene, such as making the public transportation system becomes more efficient than it does now.

From a broader viewpoint, Sidewalk Labs also has a mission to reduce the cost of living in urban areas, reducing energy consumption and assist the government system to operate more efficiently. Going forward, Sidewalk Labs will develop a variety of products and platforms, as well as establishing cooperation with various parties to create progress in the urban areas. 

Of course, undergoing this ambitious mission is not easy. Through the official Google+ account, Larry Page explained that the challenges in improving the urban areas are always related to one another. He pointed out that the availability of public transport is one of the main considerations for the residents in choosing a place to stay. At the same time, this will affect the price of houses and apartments, which directly impact on the quality of life.

In the end, it is expected that the technological innovations developed by Sidewalk Labs will be implemented on a large scale in cities in the world. Sidewalk Labs will try to transform cities in the world into smart cities, but not only limited to digital aspect.

Then the question is what the role of Google here? Well, one thing we can be sure, Google will support Sidewalk Labs from financial side, as well as most likely to provide access to their intellectual property portfolio.