Eidos Montreal showcases the gameplay video of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

The charm of Deus Ex game series lies in the mix between freedom of choice and the story that's full of intrigue. There is always a secret faction that tries to dominate the world in the middle of a great technological revolution. Human Revolution's success in bequeath the spirit of Deus Ex motivates the Eidos Montreal to prepare a sequel. And in the E3 2015, they introduce Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.

Following the tradition of Deus Ex, usually the protagonist will be introduced in each different title. Mankind Divided is quite special, because it is a direct successor of Human Revolution. You play as Adam Jensen again, two years after the incidents related to the Illuminati efforts in controlling technology. In the presentation at E3 Square Enix, Eidos Montreal publishes information via trailer and gameplay video.

Like the predecessor, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided talks about  transhumanism - an intellectual movement that aims to use technology to improve humans physical abilities, intelligence and psychological. From the trailer, this theme is integrated very well to the game: there are narratives containing conversation and monologue, plus a unique art direction, set in a dark future.

For the new generation of gaming platform, Mankind Divided is powered by a brand-new visual engine named Dawn. This engine allows developers to enter more physical-based objects and elements that can be interacted. The graphics level is much more slick, there are details everywhere. The yellowish film filter ala Human Revolution is still carried, but this time it's filled with gray effect. The engine is certainly mixed in order to sustain all kinds of playing styles.

Faithful to the concept of Deus Ex, Mankind Divided frees the players to accomplish the mission. The game can be enjoyed in the style of a conventional shooter, where you are welcome to shoot anything that moves, or in the other hands, you can play it surreptitiously and full of consideration. Through the second method, gamers can  appreciate and enjoy the details of this new game. It is also possible for gamers to finish Mankind Divided without killing.

Free in the context of Deus Ex is not the same as in The Witcher 3 or Skyrim. The groove is more structured, but the exploration elements are still maintained. The players will also be challenged with difficult choices, generally there is no measure of good and bad, the players may suddenly be faced with some consequences. Take a look at the Mankind Divided demonstration that's guided by Executive Audio Director Steve Szczepkowski.