Nuyu Sleep System helps you to sleep comfortably by adjusting the mattress' temperature

Nuyu Sleep System

Evaluate the sleep patterns data that's collected by sleep tracker device is not enough to improve the quality of your sleep every night. For that, there should be an action that can give direct impact to your body when you are sleeping.

This is the mission that's brought by a device called Nuyu Sleep System. Basically, this device is a thin mattress where the temperature will change following your sleep phase - it is connected to a box that needs to be filled with water, and then the mattress is inserted under the bed.

The developer explains that Nuyu Sleep System utilizes a special algorithm to adjust the temperature based on circadian rhythms that occur naturally in the body. When you're sleeping, it will proactively adjust the temperature to make you feel comfortable continuously.

Nuyu Sleep System

This thin mattress is made of pure soft polyester material. The temperature variable can be controlled manually from the smartphone that's connected via Bluetooth, as well as other supporting parameters such as the age, weight, and room temperature.

Nuyu Sleep System works in a simple way, when you're going to bed, it will heat up to help you fall asleep quickly. And then when you're asleep, the temperature will be lowered so that you won't wake up in the night because of the heat. This process will continue to run automatically following your sleep phase.

Unfortunately Nuyu Sleep System is not equipped with a sleep tracking device so you can't evaluate your sleep quality. If you are interested, you can buy Nuyu Sleep System via for $ 499.99.

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