Logitech offers CREATE keyboard that's designed for iPad Pro

Logitech offers CREATE keyboard

iPad Pro has just been announced by Apple, but the accessories designed for this big tablet have started to be offered. Logitech has just introduced CREATE, a keyboard that's designed specifically for the iPad Pro tablet.

CREATE is not a keyboard that's connected to the iPad via Bluetooth or USB cable. This keyboard is equal to Apple's Smart Keyboard that's using Smart Connector technology, the advanced integration method that uses a magnetic connection, allowing the keyboard to work without the need to be paired first and doesn't need to be recharged. CREATE is the first third-party keyboard for iPad Pro, but it is very likely not the last.

CREATE keyboard is aimed at professionals who want a more convenient function when accessing iPad Pro. CREATE helps to increase productivity and creativity in doing the real work. The design is made attractive and aligned with the lines of iPad Pro, giving the impression that it is part of the tablet itself.

The keyboard layout on the CREATE is designed with full-size key approach, provides comfort and speed when typing, and at the same time accommodates the features that are brought by iOS 9. The keyboard is made with a minimum thickness, and very light.

Another component that makes CREATE keyboard looks different is the cloth that wraps the body of the device. It serves to protect the keyboard from impact, scratches and liquid spills. Information about the price of this new keyboard will be announced in the next November.