LinkedIn Lookup can help you to find colleagues in other divisions

Lookup LinkedIn

When working in a large corporation, it's certainly difficult to know the names of all colleagues in the company, especially those who work in the different divisions. Why do we have to get to know colleagues from the different divisions? Well, sometimes we have to collaborate with them in completing a project.

LinkedIn seem to be aware of this problem, and finally they launch a new application called Lookup. LinkedIn Lookup is designed so that the professionals can easily find information and communicate with colleagues, which is believed can increase the productivity.

So for example you had a meeting with colleagues from other division, and you are interested to collaborate further with them. But the problem is you forget their names. LinkedIn Lookup can help you to find the colleagues based on the job titles, divisions, work experiences, educational histories and expertise.

When you type the name of a division in the search field, LinkedIn Lookup will display all the names of colleagues in the division, complete with job titles and pictures.

After finding the person you are looking for, you can find out more about him. If you feel that he is the right person to be involved in your new project, you can use LinkedIn Lookup to contact him.

But what if he was not using Lookup LinkedIn? Don't worry, you can still send a message to him. The message will go to the Inbox of his LinkedIn profile.

LinkedIn Lookup now can be downloaded directly by the iPhone users via App Store. If you feel this application could help the performance of the company and your team, then it helps if you immediately inform your colleagues about this feature.