Volvo offers 'Excellence Child Safety Seat Concept'

Excellence Child Safety Seat Concept

At the end of last April we had seen the luxury and comfort atmosphere given by Volvo cabin concept called Lounge Console. The idea is quite simple, they cut the front seat next to the driver in order to provide a wider space and complete functionality for the backseat passenger.

Now, the Volvo design team re-implements the same idea but with a different target: for a child. They call this innovation 'Excellence Child Safety Seat Concept'. Here we can see that the front seat beside the driver is modified again. But instead of installing the foot pads with Transformers style capabilities, the area is now occupied by a special car seat for a child which is also equipped with sophisticated technology.

Excellence Child Safety Seat Concept

Besides being able to be moved back and forth, and tilted, the baby seat can also be rotated counter-clockwise. The point is before you get into the car, you can rotate the baby seat to face the door, and then place your baby in the seat with ease. Furthermore, when you get into the car cabin, you can rotate the baby seat to face you.

Not only to allow eye contact between child and parent, this concept also presents wide storage space at the side and under the seat to accommodate all the necessary baby needs, such as diapers, bottles, wipes, clothes, etc.

Obviously this is for niche market, not everyone needs this kind of innovation, but for the consumers who have just had a baby, Volvo Excellence Child Safety Seat Concept certainly sounds appealing. Furthermore, Tisha Johnson as Chief Designer Interiors of Volvo Cars Concept and Monitoring Centre believes that this alternative cabin layout will be increasingly important when consumers switched to the automatic steering car in the future.

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