Twitter collaborates with Google to display the latest tweets in search results

Twitter collaborates with Google

Tuesday (19/05/2015), Twitter officially introduced a new feature which’s the result of their cooperation with Google. Google will now display the relevant latest tweets when you do a search through the Google Search app on iOS or Android, as well as in the smartphone browser.

The real-time content that's coming from Twitter will be presented in the form of a special card that can be scrolled horizontally. So for example when you are typing 'Taylor Swift' in the search field, then the Google Search app will display the latest collection of tweets coming from the official account of the singer.

Another example, when typing the keyword 'NASA Twitter', the Google Search app not only displays a link to NASA's official Twitter account, but also a collection of the latest tweets. When you tap one of the tweets, you will be transferred to Twitter application to do further interaction, with note that the app has been installed on your smartphone.

The 'marriage' between Twitter and Google Search also includes the hashtag as well as a number of popular keywords. When typing the title of a movie, for example, Google Search will display a collection of tweets from various accounts that are discussing the film.

For now, the integration of Twitter content in Google Search is only available for users who live in the United States. In the next few months, Twitter and Google promise to bring the same feature to users in other countries, while the application of the same feature on the desktop browser is scheduled to arrive in the near future.