Paper, Dropbox's project to compete with Google Docs

Paper, Dropbox's project

Dropbox reportedly is doing a great job that's said will make it as one of the tight competitors of Google Docs when the project is released later. Named as Paper, this Dropbox's new project is now entering the beta phase with significant changes.

Paper is a collaborative tool where users can write documents and distribute them to other users. No wonder when the service which's formerly known as Note is predicted as a competitor to Google Docs due to the similarity function.

For this moment, Paper is still in the form of a minimalist text editor with several style options such as reports, lists and others. The provided tools are still very limited, such as changing the font size, bold, italic, underline, and strikethrough.

Just like Google Docs, in Paper, multiple users can collaborate to modify the documents at the same time. Each user will be marked in the form of colored cursor, credit for contribution which is also accompanied with the full name in the margin.

Paper also includes mention feature,"@", which works almost the same as the mention feature you usually find in the social networking sites today. Provide notification to users as a sign to examine the documents at a certain point, or simply as a reference. Its function can certainly vary depending on the users' interests, for example to request additional images, or a YouTube video link as an additional option.

For now Paper is available in web format, but Dropbox explains that it has a plan to bring Paper to mobile platform in the future. Unfortunately, if you want to try Paper, you should get an invitation first. But you can still register in, maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones.