Google Search now can recognize the busy hours in a certain location

Google Search now can recognize the busy hours

Have you ever felt annoyed at having to stand in a long queue in a restaurant? As if everyone come out at the same hour and in the same place.

Google seem to be aware of this condition, and they have just given an update on their search engine tool, so that now Google Search can identify busy hours in one location. To be easier, let's call this feature with 'Popular Times'.

Simply put, just by asking to Google, you can now find out the time when your favorite restaurant is usually crowded by customers, or you can get information related to crowded hours at a fast-food restaurant.

This Popular Time feature doesn't require any application. Using a smartphone, you can simply open a browser and type the name of restaurant you want to visit on the Google Search engine. Furthermore, in addition to featuring a brief description, the address and operational hours of the desired restaurant, Google will also show the Popular Time chart. Here you can see the most crowded hours and days of the restaurant.  

Finally, if you don't want to be stuck in a crowded queue at your favorite restaurant, you can search for the information first on Google Search.