Periscope provides a comment moderation feature based on viewers' inputs


A social media will not be successful without the presence of community, so it is the responsibility of social media to keep and maintain a sense of togetherness in the community. Similar condition is also experienced by Periscope, where they continuously introduce new features to meet the needs of users.

One of the newest features is the comment moderation feature. This decision is based on the increase of spam comments or rude comments on a number of broadcasts. From the beginning Periscope did want to provide open live streaming platform, and this openness certainly comes with its own consequences.

Periscope's comment moderation runs transparently and relies on input from the viewers. So when users are watching videos, they can report spam comments or abusing comments. Afterwards, the voting process will be conducted with a number of other viewers with the purpose of asking their opinions about the comments; whether the comments are spam, abusing, or just normal. 

The voting results will be shown to all voters. If a majority of voters select spam or abuse, then the creator of the comment will receive a notification that he/she could not participate in the chat column for a while.

According to Periscope, the moderation system is certainly not going to disrupt the broadcast process, both for the viewers and broadcasters. The broadcasters are also able to choose if they want no comment moderation in their broadcasts, while the viewers can also ignore the voting by selecting the option in the settings first.