Project Arena is Disc Battle ala Tron that's presented through virtual reality

Project Arena

Long before public realized about the huge potential of virtual reality, CCP Games had started to develop the contents. EVE Valkyrie, a spin-off of the MMO EVE Online game was designed for VR headset - be one of those games that accompanied the launch of Rift and would also be bundled together with PSVR. But for CCP Games, its journey in the VR realm didn’t stop there.

CCP Games will continue its investment in the VR field, and this time reportedly the developer is experimenting to present the 'full-body' VR experience through the digital proof-of-concept work called Project Arena. Perhaps the idea behind the creation is not as ambitious as The Void, but Project Arena requires the users to move their bodies, just like the disc battle in the Tron movie.

Project Arena was exhibited to visitors of EVE FanFest 2016 last week. In Brawl mode, the participants competed in one on one disc-throwing battle. The player's mission is to throw the disc to the opponent. Which makes it more complicated is that everyone has his/her own disc, and it will bounce in the virtual wall.

Project Arena

The game prototype is presented through the Oculus Rift, but the most important component there is the Oculus Touch. In each hand, there is motion controller that serves as a shield and glove to throw the disc. Scores will be obtained if the disc can hit the body of your rival. It is not as easy as the theory because every player can parry and dodge.

To throw the disc, the player can simply press a button on the Touch, swinging it like a baseball, and then release it at the right moment. According to Andy Kelly from PC Gamer, Project Arena makes you forget if you're wearing a headset. The virtual hands will follow the player's hands movements smoothly, and when the disc has started to fly, each player will try to avoid the disc. 

There is possibility that CCP Games is not planning to launch the Project Arena as a retail product, but imagine if it's made as esport, the simple game yet distinctive just like the Project Arena is needed by virtual reality today.