Microsoft has Xbox One that's designed for the Iron Man team

Microsoft Xbox One Iron Man team

Rumors said that Microsoft will announce a new version of Xbox One in E3 event later. But before that, Microsoft apparently has another surprise coincides with the hype of Captain America: Civil War that's being played.

Yup, as you can see in the picture above, this is a special edition of Xbox One with a white casing that has been modified to an extreme, where the middle part resembles the arc reactor that's embedded in the Iron Man armor.

Not only that, its controller is also modified, where white color dominates the body, with ‘Stark Industries’ logo at the center along with arc reactor miniature that functions as a power button.

Microsoft will only release three units of this special Xbox One, and apparently you need big luck factor rather than financial to be able to get it. Unfortunately, so far it's only Xbox France which is holding giveaway on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.